
What is net metering, and why does it matter?

Net metering is a system that allows people who generate their own electricity from sources like solar panels to sell any excess electricity they produce back to the power grid.

Here's an example of how net metering works:

Let's say that you have solar panels installed on your roof. During the day, the sun shines on your panels and generates electricity. If you use all of the electricity that your panels produce, then you don't have any excess to sell back to the grid. But if you generate more electricity than you need, then the excess can be sent back to the power grid.

The power company will keep track of how much electricity you sell back to them and how much you use from the grid. At the end of each month, they will send you a bill that shows how much electricity you used and how much you sold back to them. If you sold more electricity than you used, then you will get a credit on your bill. If you used more electricity than you sold, then you will have to pay for the difference.

Net metering helps people who generate their own electricity to save money on their power bills and also helps to reduce the overall demand for electricity from traditional power plants. It's a way for people to use clean, renewable energy and help the environment.